Slide Atlas

Body Fluid

Lymphoid cells including immature lymphocytes

& mature lymphocytes

Pseudo-fiber, Basket cells

   Squamous cell carcinoma, metastatic

Non-keratinizing cells

Potato shape nuclei and squamous cells

Clearing clumping chromatin

Prominent nucleoli

Nuclear abnormality

Large hyperchromatic nuclei

Nuclear indentation or wrinkling

Blood, inflammatory cells, protein deposits

   Adenocarcinoma,metastatic(signet ring, stomach)

Pleomorphic & bizarre cells from poorly-differentiated adenoca.

Small compact aggregates or acinar structure

Single or clusters in signet-ring cells, Indian file pattern

Variable amounts, scant or mucin containing vacuoles

Coarsely granular or clumped chromatin, frequently nucleoli

Variable size and shape nuclei,

Indentation & lobulation nuclear membrane

   Adenocarcinoma, metastatic (Breast Lobular CA)

Small compact aggregates or acinar structure

Indian file pattern

Coarsely granular or clumped chromatin, frequently nucleoli

Scanty cytoplasm

Indentation and lobulation nuclear membrane

   Adenocarcinoma, metastatic (Ovary)

Nuclear enlargement

Coarse chromatin

Small papillary cell group, acinar or rosette formation

Intact glandular structure

Frequently nucleoli

   Adenocarcinoma, metastatic (Stomach)

Large nucleoli

Increased N/C ratio

Secretory vacuoles

Irregular nuclear membranes

Usually eccentric pleomorphic and bizarre nucleus

   Adenocarcinoma, metastatic (ovary)

Singly, acini and papillary or rosette formation

Gray to deep purple colored & abundant well defined cytoplasm

Often intracytoplasmic large vacuoles(mucinous vacuole)

Vary in size cytoplasm

Round oval nuclei, frequently nuclear overlaping

Irregular shape in nuclear border

Coarse chromatin and large, bizarre nucleoli

Mucinous material in cytoplasm

   Adenocarcinoma, metastatic

Round oval nuclei

Irregular shape in nuclear border

Coarse chromatin

Large nucleoli

Singly, acini and papillary formation

   Adenocarcinoma, metastatic

Large nucleoli

Coarsely granular chromatin

Acinar formation

Irregular nuclear membrane

Enlarged nucleus

   Small cell carcinoma

Small tight cluster

Cell in pattern

Scant cytoplasm

Salt and pepper chromatin

Molding of nuclei